The Custodians is an active community that promotes concrete actionsfor the protection of biodiversity.It was born from a nomadic office, following issues and looking for the right people to solve local problems related to pollution, with a worldwide impact. The mission is to restore the balance between humans, technology and nature, tackling environmental problems at their root. We believe that every challenge can be turned into an opportunity for positive change through a collective effort under involvement of all parts of society. A pillar of our commitment is the National Clean-Up Week.
From 6 to 12 October 2025, an unprecedented task force will be put together, uniting institutions, companies, sports federations, voluntary organisations and citizens in a synergetic and coordinated action. This collective effort will demonstrate the importance of cross-sectoral collaboration to end the challenge posed by plastic waste in nature. Following the motto ‘All Together Now’, we want to show that unity of purpose and action can generate real and lasting impact.Our clean-up format, designed to be easily replicable, offers practical tools such as information materials, video tutorials and webinars, enabling communities around the world to join this mission.
Thanks to this approach, we aspire to grow the project beyond national borders, transforming it into a global movement that inspires concrete action wherever it is needed.
The Custodians is an offshoot of BioDesign Foundation, a non-profit organisation based in St. Gallen, Switzerland, with registered national associations in Germany, Italy and Spain, which manages the intellectual and material inheritance of Luigi Colani. With over 6000 inventions, prototypes and visions realised, Colani is considered one of the most influential designers and shape scientists of the 20th century.BioDesign Foundation was created in order to deploy his immense legacy to promote research and the implementation of holistic solutions for the protection of biodiversity and the natural environment.Underlying it all is the inspiration of BioDesign, a principle that integrates respect for nature with innovative solutions. Following the Colani formula ‘90% nature + 10% Colani transformation’, we take responsibility by giving back to nature after taking from it. Every clean-up operation is an act of reconciliation with the environment, a step towards a future in which humankind lives in harmony with the planet.Addressing the plastic crisis means addressing our relationship with nature. Only by recognising the debt we owe to it can we inspire global and lasting change. Together we are the Custodians of the Future.