privacy & Cookies policy

Data controller is the BioDesign Foundation,
Reherstrasse 20 - 9016 St.Gallen,

If you have any questions about your personal data, please contact us at any time.

We protect the data you provide us with confidentially and process it in accordance with applicable laws. As a matter of principle, we only process your personal data to the extent that this is necessary to provide you with a functioning website and our content and services that you desire. You can contact us at any time. If you do not agree with something in our communication, we will be happy to correct it.If your data is necessary for the fulfilment of a joint contract or for the implementation of pre-contractual measures, the advance deletion of data is only possible insofar as contractual or legal obligations do not contradict the deletion. The BioDesign Foundation is subject to Swiss law. This also applies to data protection. If you provide us with personal data of third parties (e.g. data of friends or family members in the case of donations), please ensure that the information provided is correct, that these persons have taken note of this privacy policy and that they have given their consent to the transfer of data to the BioDesign Foundation.

Personal data processing includes, for example, the collection, storage, management, use, transmission, disclosure and deletion of personal data. We process personal data that you provide to us and those that are collected automatically or manually when you visit our website, e.g. name, home address, date of birth, gender, e-mail address, telephone numbers, membership of the BioDesign Foundation or the Caretaker Movement, donations (contribution amount, date, means, purpose), activity on our websites www. and, IP addresses of technical devices, consent to receive newsletters or other information, contractual data, customer service information, communications via telephone, fax, e-mail, text messages (messaging services, e.g. SMS).

In our common communications, we need your personal data, for example, to be able to send you our newsletter, to respond to your requests, to process your participation in petitions, campaigns, actions or competitions, or to process your support, donations, membership or purchase in our shop, for the organisation, realisation and analysis of all our communications (by post or by electronic means of communication: telephone, e-mail, voice messages, SMS, MMS, video messages or instant messaging) and for the organisation and realisation of our events in which you wish to participate.

We pass on your data to third parties if this is necessary for the purposes stated here in the privacy policy, e.g. in order to be able to use technical or organisational services that we need to fulfil the stated purposes or for other activities of our foundation. This includes the transfer of data abroad. We may share your personal data with trusted third parties, including, but not limited to, printers, third parties involved in running or organising camps and events, IT service providers or our auditors. Where required by law, we must disclose your personal data to courts, law enforcement, regulatory and government authorities, and law enforcement agencies.


We will delete your personal data as soon as the purpose of their storage is no longer valid.

Cookies, tracking and other technologies
We typically use ‘cookies’ and similar technologies on our websites to identify your browser or device. A cookie is a small file that is sent to your computer or stored automatically on your computer or mobile device by the web browser you are using when you visit our website. This allows us to recognise you when you return to this site, even if we do not know who you are. In addition to cookies that are only used during a session and deleted after your visit to the website (‘session cookies’), cookies can also be used to store your settings and other information for a certain period of time (e.g. two years) (‘persistent cookies’).You can, however, set your browser to refuse cookies, to save them for one session only or to delete them prematurely. Most browsers are pre-set to accept cookies. We use persistent cookies so that we can better understand how you use our services and content and so that we can continue to improve our services. If you block cookies, some features (such as voice dialling) may no longer work.We sometimes use Google Analytics or similar services on our websites. In addition to cookies that are only used during a session and deleted after visiting the website (‘session cookies’), cookies may also be used to store your settings and other information for a certain period of time (e.g. two years) (‘persistent cookies’). Cookies set by the service provider are also used for this purpose. The service provider does not receive any personal data from us (and does not store any IP addresses), but it can track your use of the website, combine this information with data from other websites that you have visited and which are also tracked by the service provider, and use these results for its own purposes (e.g. monitoring advertising). If you have registered with the service provider yourself, the service provider also knows you. The processing of your personal data by the service provider is therefore carried out under the responsibility of and in accordance with the data regulations of the service provider. The service provider only informs us about how our respective website is used (no information about you personally).Cookies used on this website can be found here

Secure data transmission
The personal data you provide via the website forms is transmitted to us via a secure connection in encrypted form. The security procedure used (SSL-Secure Sockets Layer) is state-of-the-art.All employees of the BioDesign Foundation who process your data are obliged to comply with data protection laws. Access to the system is via an authorisation procedure. SSL encryption (recognisable by https:// in the browser address line) is a protocol for encrypting data during transmission from the web server to the browser. This transmission offers a particularly high level of security. During transmission, your personal data is encrypted between your computer and our SSL server using the SSL protocol.

Use of Internet platforms
On this website, with the help of the service providers Google Inc. (USA), Facebook Incorporated (USA) and Blue Summit Media GmbH (Germany), among others, information about the surfing behaviour of visitors to the website is collected and stored in anonymous and/or pseudonymised form for marketing purposes and for the continuous improvement of the offer. With the help of a so-called ‘web bug’, visitors to the website can be technically identified without personal references, and pseudonymised profiles can then be created. The data is then stored on your computer in encrypted and compressed form using cookies. This cookie is only accessible to you and the service provider. We reserve the right to regulate access to service providers if this is necessary to improve our offers. Service providers (including Google and Facebook) analyse your surfing behaviour in order to be able to show you targeted product recommendations, e.g. as personalised banner advertisements on other websites. Under no circumstances can your data be used to personally identify you as a visitor to this site. The data collected will only be used to improve the offer. No other use will be made of it.

Use of social media plug-ins
We use so-called social media plug-ins such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+, Pinterest or Instagram on our websites. This is evident to you in each case, typically through the corresponding icons. We configure these elements so that they are deactivated by default. If you activate them (by clicking on them), the operators of the respective social networks can register that you are on our website and can use this information for their own purposes. The processing of your personal data is then under the responsibility of this operator according to their data protection rules. We do not receive any information about you from them.Responsibility for links. We expressly declare that at the time the links were created, no illegal content was perceptible on the linked pages. We have no influence on the current and future design, content or authorship of the linked pages. We therefore expressly distance ourselves from all contents of all linked pages that were changed after the link was created. This declaration applies to all links and references placed within our Internet offer. Liability for illegal, incorrect or incomplete contents and in particular for damages resulting from the use or non-use of such information lies exclusively with the provider of the page to which reference is made, and not with the one who merely refers to the respective publication via links.

We may change this privacy policy at any time without notice. The most recent version published on our website will apply.